MIT is committed to providing a collaborative and active learning environment. It does so by focusing on teaching and learning that involve face-to-face interaction and engagement between students and staff. It fosters a culture of scholarship with academic integrity as well as continuous improvement in teaching pedagogy and curriculum development.
MIT’s goals include - ‘Empowerment and involvement of the staff, students and other stakeholders in all aspects of the teaching and learning experience’, and ‘Employable, work-ready graduates who value life-long learning’. MIT’s Strategic Plan reinforces these goals and outlines strategies to achieve them. Through its statement of graduate attributes and its Teaching and Learning Plan, the Institute also makes reference to the mapping and embedding of generic skills into each unit of each course, in order to increase the awareness of students of the importance of generic skills in their careers post-graduation. The graduate attributes include the acquisition of critical and independent thought and learning throughout life. These generic skills form a crucial part of each unit’s assessment criteria. Additionally, through a specific segment of the Institute’s Scholarship and Research Plan, each academic staff member, through their portfolio, is required to demonstrate how they reinforce to students the importance of acquiring generic graduate attributes. It should be noted that as a predominantly teaching institution, the Scholarship and Research Plan covers both the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the pursuit of research as separate but nevertheless closely linked items.
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