The Academic Board convenes a Learning and Teaching Committee to monitor and report on quality assurance processes for Learning and Teaching within MIT to ensure that day–to–day academic operations meet quality educational standards. The Learning and Teaching Committee also has responsibility for advising on policies and guidelines related to Learning and Teaching in MIT’s courses. The Learning and Teaching Committee is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board dealing with Learning and Teaching.
The functions of the Learning and Teaching Committee are to:
- Advise the Academic Board on the development and implementation of academic policies relating to all Learning and Teaching processes, including the admissions process, examinations, assessment, moderation and academic misconduct.
- Receive reports and respond to recommendations of the School Committees.
- Receive reports and review statistics relating to student appeals against assessment, grievances, discipline and misconduct.
- Receive and endorse the result ratification report of Ratification committees prior to publication of end-of-trimester results.
- Advise the Academic Board on any proposed changes to existing courses, including matters pertaining to delivery.
- Consider and make recommendations to the Academic Board on all aspects of the development and accreditation or re-accreditation of higher education courses, the admission of students, teaching, assessment and requirements for graduation, prizes, awards and scholarships.
- Consider submissions and make recommendations to Academic Board in respect of the regular program of the internal unit, course and school reviews within MIT.
- Review and advise the Academic Board about MIT Learning and Teaching facilities when required.
- Manage and report to Academic Board on the student evaluation of Learning and Teaching and relevant exit data.
- Regularly monitor student progress, attrition and completion rates, and graduate destinations and report the results to the Academic Board.
- Undertake benchmarking of course outcomes according to MIT’s Quality Management System and advise the Academic Board of the outcomes of the benchmarking.
- Provide guidance and feedback to the Policy Committee on the development of policies and procedures on Learning and Teaching operations and quality assurance.
- Approve an annual Professional Development Plan for academic staff to ensure that professional and discipline-based expertise is current, that teaching skills are maintained and updated and that scholarly activity is undertaken. Report the Plan to the Academic Board.
- Advise the Academic Board how MIT may encourage a culture of scholarship throughout MIT.
- Act on any other referrals to it from the Academic Board.
A quorum will be: half of the members if the number of members (including vacancies) is even; or a majority of members if the number of members (including vacancies) is odd. In the case of a tied vote, the Chair has the casting vote.
The membership of the Learning and Teaching Committee will be made up as follows:
A | Executive Dean (Chair) | Vacant | - |
A | Academic Board Chair | Emeritus Professor Doug Grant | DDG |
A | Academic Board Deputy Chair | Prof John Hurst | JH |
A | Group General Manager | Mr Austin Kijagulu | AK |
A | Head of School - Business | Associate Professor Kristina Nicholls | KN |
A | Acting Head of School - IT & Engineering | Professor Savitri Bevinakoppa | SB |
A | Course Coordinator - MNet | Professor Savitri Bevinakoppa | SB |
A | Course Coordinator - MEng | Professor Johnson Agbinya | JA |
A | Course Coordinator - Master of ICT Research | Professor Johnson Agbinya | JA |
A | Course Coordinator - MPA | A/Professor Michael De Martinis | MDM |
A | Course Coordinator - MDA | Vacant | -- |
A | Course Coordinator - MBAnalytics | Vacant | -- |
A | Course Coordinator - BNET | Associate Professor Rajan Kadel | RK |
A | Course Coordinator - BBus | Associate Professor Parves Sultan | PS |
A | Course Coordinator - BEng | Dr Amoakoh Gyasi Agyei | AGA |
A | Librarian | Ms Roslyn Mohammed Khan | RMK |
B | Academic Staff representative School of IT & Engineering Melbourne Campus |
Mr Min Gurung | MG |
B | Academic Staff representative School of IT & Engineering Sydney Campus |
Vacant | -- |
B | Academic Staff representative School of Business Melbourne Campus |
Vacant | -- |
B | Academic Staff representative School of Business Sydney Campus |
Prof. Siva Muthaly | SM |
B | Administration/Support Staff Representative |
Ms Effie Evryniadis | EE |
B | Student Representative Melbourne Campus |
Vacant | |
B | Student Representative Sydney Campus |
Vacant |
The Learning and Teaching Committee meets at least six times a year according to the Annual Governance Calendar. The Chair may convene a special meeting at any time with reasonable notice.
Chair: Associate Professor Kristina Nicholls (Interim)
Secretary: Coordinator - Academic Services (Melbourne Campus)
Times: Thursday 12:00 pm
Student Participation: Yes (2) SYD and MEL
Venue: Videoconference
Dates | Time | Venue |
08/02/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |
07/03/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |
13/06/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |
04/07/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |
26/09/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |
31/10/2024 | Thursday 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM | Videoconference |