Federation University is a modern university, which was first established in 1870, as the School of Mines, Ballarat, making it the third oldest tertiary institution in Australia. With more than 150+ years of tradition and excellence, Fed continues to serve its students whether they wish to advance their current knowledge, or pursue a completely different career.
One of Fed's values is ‘living values’; this applies not only to our students, but to Fed as a whole. With a growing reputation for sound, relevant research by our academics, this added knowledge is passed on to all Fed students, whatever course they undertake.
MIT offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs at its Melbourne and Sydney campuses in association with Fed. The partnership between the Fed and MIT involves Fed controlling the quality of the courses and conferring the qualifications, whilst MIT provides the facilities, lecturers, tutors and student services. All academic staff at MIT are approved to teach by Fed. Students enrolled in Fed courses at MIT, attend MIT campuses as Fed enrolled students and upon successful completion awarded with Fed degrees.