Assessment Sub Committee

The Learning and Teaching Committee works with various advisory committees – some of which have Institute-wide purview, and others which are located in the Schools. The Assessment Sub-Committee(ASC) has Institute-wide.

The Assessment Sub-Committee (ASC), comprising largely external members, has oversight of assessment at MIT. Whilst not engaging in day-to-day oversight, the ASC has undertaken major projects since its inception, with a view to ensuring that MIT adopts good contemporary practice in its assessment, and that the learning objectives of MIT's courses and units are assessed at appropriate AQF levels.


  1. To ensure that all policies and procedures relevant to assessment are implemented effectively.
  2. To regularly audit the implementation of assessment policies and procedures.
  3. To ensure that assessment methods and actual assessments reflect appropriate evaluation of learning outcomes at the required AQF levels.
  4. To regularly review the style, standard and clarity of assessment tasks.
  5. To review, periodically, the Institute’s current approach to assessment and taking into account widely accepted best practice in assessment, to provide the Learning and Teaching Committee with recommendations on improving MIT’s approach to assessment.
  6. To provide annual reports to the Learning and Teaching Committee on the discharge of the Subcommittee’s Terms of Reference 1-4.


Chair of the Academic Board

Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee

The Heads of School

At least two senior academics external to the Institute, at least one from the broad discipline of business and at least one from information technology/engineering.