Stay Warm / Stay Woke

Melbourne may not be the coldest city in the world, but during the cooler times of the year, it certainly is not a particularly pleasant climate to endure. Cooler temperatures often drive us to turn the heating up, which seems intellectually justified but can have a substantial impact on our finances. Here are some tips to stay warm this winter, without breaking the bank.

  1. Finding the ideal temperature for your home – We may find ourselves constantly adjusting the heating in the house in an attempt to emulate a climate that comfortably sits between ‘too warm’ and ‘not warm enough’, but experts say the most economical temperature range is between 21-22 degrees. The rate of energy usage for a heating unit grows exponentially as you increase the heat, so remember to be conservative!  
  2. Purchase a big blanket – It may be obvious to some, but having a blanket readily accessible in your living room can make a serious difference during the colder months. Wool, cotton fleece and cashmere are just a few thicker material types to consider, but as long as you can wrap yourself up in it – you are going to snug as a bug in a rug!
  3. Dress warm inside and outside your home – Your climate experience outside can often influence your decision making when you return home. If you are freezing when you return home, it is reasonable to assume you are going to want to warm yourself up. Dressing warm before you leave the house will make your experience when you return a lot more comfortable. Layering clothes will allow you to add or remove layers to regulate that heat.
  4. Get a hot water bottle – They are not just for the elderly and ill, hot water bottles are a cost-efficient way to stay warm, and can be purchased very cheaply at places like Kmart, Coles and Two-Dollar shops. It is a lot cheaper to heat water than it is to heat your home.
  5. Hot tea or chocolate – Your Grandmother was onto something when she suggested a hot beverage to warm you up – and the logic is sound – a hot drink warms your hands, throat and gives you an overall feeling of warmth. Just make sure you do not overdo it on the coffee!