Tue, Oct 25 2022

The Board of Directors Newsletter - January to June 2022



January to June 2022

Following on from previous newsletters, a brief report on the discussions and decisions made by the Institute’s Board of Directors for the period January 2022 to June 2022 is provided. The purpose of the newsletters is to keep both staff and students aware of the Board’s activities.

MIT’s response to COVID-19

In line with Government COVID-19 requirements and recommendations, the Board met either face-to face or remotely via Zoom videoconferencing.

The Board continued to monitor MIT’s updated COVID Safe Plans and the updated Business Continuity Plan COVID-19 Response Plan. It also continues to monitor the transition to the hybrid/blended mode of study which includes face to face classes.

The Board approved the revisions to MIT’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure, and strongly encouraged all staff and students to be COVID-19 vaccinated.

As it has previously, the Board expressed its appreciation of, and congratulations to, the MIT Executive Management and staff for their outstanding response to the crisis.

Approved Policies and Procedures

All revised policies and procedures are available in MIT’s website.

MIT Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The Board discussed the process and timeline for the development of the new MIT Strategic Plan and approved the Chair’s discussion paper – Preparing for MIT’s 2023 onward Strategic Planas a general framework for the development of the new Strategic Plan. The next steps include the Executive Management developing the new plan taking into account the Board’s advice and guidance on MIT’s strategic direction.

Strategic Marketing Plan 2021-2023 Progress Report

The Board accepted the progress report on the Strategic Marketing Plan 2021-2023 at its June meeting.

Board Self-evaluation of Performance for the 2021 Year

As part of its regular schedule, the Board undertakes a self-evaluation of its performance each year. Accordingly, the Board completed the review of its performance for the 2021 year, received the report on its performance at its meeting in February, evaluated the results presented and approved the proposed actions arising from the report. In general terms, that Board was satisfied with its performance having met the meaning and intent of its Terms of Reference.

External Review of Performance of the Board of Directors

The Board undertakes periodic independent reviews of the effectiveness of the Board. Following from the Board’s approval of the terms of reference, review process and timelines for the external review, the Board selected suitable candidates for appointment as the external reviewer. It is anticipated that the external reviewer will be appointed and carry out the review in the second half of 2022.

Revised Accountability Framework 2022 Calendar and Schedule of Business

Following consultation with relevant stakeholders, the Board approved the revised Accountability Framework 2022 Calendar, particularly revising the timing and clarity on several items. The Board’s Schedule of Business for 2022 was also formally adopted at its meeting in February.

Academic Board Appointments:

The Board approved the appointment of Ms Jasmin Baker as student representative (Sydney Campus) for a term of 1 year and re-appointment of Ms Ramanbir Kaur as industry representative (IT and Engineering) for a term of 2 years. It also approved the revised Terms of Reference for the Academic Board.

Student Experience Committee

The Board accepted the 2021 Student Experience Committee’s Self-Assessment Report and endorsed the recommendations from the Report and the Implementation Plan to action the recommendations. It also accepted the annual report on Student Events for 2021 and commended the Student Experience Committee on the quality of the report.

MIT Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Accreditation

The Board expressed its appreciation and congratulated the team who prepared the submission to TEQSA for the accreditation of MIT’s Higher Degrees by Research, and especially the leadership of the Chair of the Academic Board. The Board was pleased to acknowledge the strengthening of MIT’s research culture and commitment to appropriate resourcing which are of paramount importance to the development of research at MIT.

Financials and FY23 Budget

The Board considered the quarterly financials for the FY2022 year at its February and May meetings. The Board also approved the FY2023 Budget, noting the ongoing challenges faced by international students returning to Australia, including visa processing delays, and the strategies MIT has taken to mitigate the impact including special intakes to accommodate these students. Nevertheless, the Board was satisfied that through prudent financial management, MIT remains in a sound financial position.

CRICOS Capacity Increase

The Board endorsed the Executive Management’s decision to apply to increase MIT’s CRICOS capacity by 500 for each campus, bringing MIT’s total CRICOS capacity to 4600 as part of forward planning for post-COVID recovery.

Risk and Risk Management

The suggested changes to the Risk Register, Risk Management Plan and Detailed Risk Tables following regular review and recommendations from the Audit and Risk Management Committee were reviewed and approved.

The Board also considered the TEQSA 2021 Provider Risk Assessment Report for MIT and noted the increased number of low-risk ratings (green) given to MIT, including the overall low risk to students and low risk to MIT’s financial position.

Regulatory Updates

Considered new and revised TEQSA guidance notes and publications during the year and sought feedback from relevant Board committees and the Academic Board.

The Board of Directors


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