BB330 - Industry Based Capstone Project

Credit Points: 15 credit points

Workload: 36 hours

Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed 12 units. Completion of the pre-project study skills workshops. Students may register for and plan for their industry project prior to completing the required credit points.

Co-requisite: N/A

Aims & Objectives

This is a third-year Core Unit in the Bachelor of Business, all streams. For Course Learning Outcomes and further information relating to Bachelor of Business programs please visit our website:

Students undertaking this unit may find their own industry based project, which must be approved by the Industry Project Approval Board, prior to commencement. Students also have the option of an industry based project secured by MIT at an additional nominal fee.

BB330 Industry Based Capstone Project aims to provide students with an opportunity to undertake project work for 150 hours in one trimester, and provides students with realistic industry knowledge, skills and experience so as to be ‘work ready’. This unit will further equip students with the knowledge, abilities and fundamentals of project management, and integrate workplace experience in educational learning. Students work with a client to execute work-based projects relevant to their major disciplinary arena for example: Accounting, Management, Marketing or Digital Marketing, and work with a supervisor who helps define the task deliverables of the project to be undertaken in consultation with their industry clients.

Prior to undertaking an industry based project, formal workshops are scheduled and attendance at the workshops is compulsory for students enrolled in BB330 Industry Based Capstone Project. Attendance at the workshops is a prerequisite for securing a project and passing the unit.

The weekly workshops are designed to assist the student in learning to:
a. Understand the in-depth study of project management body of knowledge and its applicability;
b. Behave professionally, including ethical practices in a workplace;
c. Research work-based project/s within their discipline;
d. Execute work-based structure proposed by client’s needs;
e. Execute time-schedules for  their task deliverables as proposed by their client;
f. Work and perform in a workplace environment, including team work;
g. Manage stakeholder relationships and interests;
h. Work Health Safety and safe workplace behaviour.

This Unit requires students to:

  • Work collaboratively with other individuals in a workplace and project management environment. 
  • Successfully deliver an industry-based project in their respective discipline of study, (i.e. Accounting, Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing, etc.) The proposed project must be approved by the Unit Coordinator through consultation with the Academic Project Coordinator.
  • Liaise with client(s) to gain the understanding of the issues, identify and implement solutions to their satisfaction.

During the industry-based project, there are formal weekly workshops. Students are required to meet regularly with their Industry Project Supervisor, including online discussions. Students are required to have their industry project approved by the Industry Project Approval Board prior to commencement of the project.

Learning Outcomes

The Course learning outcomes applicable to this unit are listed on the Melbourne Institute of Technology’s website:
At the completion of the industry based project, students should be able to:
a. Demonstrate industry research skills in delivering feasible work-based projects.
b. Work efficiently and effectively to complete project-based work integrated learning.
c. Apply theoretical and practical skills relevant to working in the professional planning environment, including team work.
d. Reflect on contemporary practice and trends in a course related industry to inform your future practise.
e. Effectively communicate ideas using diverse formats and strategies to academic and professional audiences within and external to the discipline of your course;
f. Work with others in a range of roles and contexts, demonstrating cultural and social sensitivity, environmental stewardship and ethical and reflective practice to deliver a industry based project.


In order to successfully complete this unit, each student is required to undertake several tasks which are assessed by the MIT Industry Project Coordinator or supervisor. The assessment tasks are intended to complement the learning that occurs during the industry project task.

Assessment Task Due Date A B Unit Learning Outcomes
1.  a. Contribution and Participation
     b. Formative Assessment
Weeks 1-12
Week 3  
- 15%
2. Industry Based Project(Individual)
    a. Progressive Project Report
    b. Presentation
Week 6 20% 10% a,b,c,d
3. Presentation [Group] Week 11 - 20% a-f
4. Report[Group]
    Final Learnings Outcome Report
Week 12 30% - a-f
TOTALS   50% 50%  

Task Type: Type A: unsupervised, Type B: supervised.

Contribution and Participation (5%)

This unit has class participation as an assessment. The assessment task and marking rubric will follow the Guidelines on Assessing Class Participation ( Further details will be provided in the assessment specification on the type of assessment tasks and the marking rubrics.

Teaching Methods

NOTE: All School of Business units 3-hour workshops Flipped Classroom Mode. 

Textbook and Reference Materials

There is no prescribed text for this unit.
Students are required to read and understand the Industry Project Guidelines (available on Moodle).

Recommended Reading

  • Anderson, G. (2019). Mastering Collaboration. O’ Reilly Media, Inc.
  • Dahl, J. (2020). Leading Lean, O’ Reilly Media, Inc.
  • DuBrin, A. (2015). Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills. (12th ed.). New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall.  
  • Freeman, R. (2016). The Agile Consultant: Guiding Clients to Enterprise Agility. USA: APress.
  • Gido, J., Clements, J., & Baker, R. (2018). Successful Project Management. (7th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
  • PMI Global Standard (2017) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). (6th ed.). USA: Project Management Institute (PMI).
  • Robertson, J., & Robertson, S. (2018). Business Analysis Agility: Solve the Real Problem, Deliver Real Value. Addison-Wesley Professional.

The Referencing style for this using is APA: See the MIT Library Referencing webpage: and the Unit Moodle page for additional referencing support material and weblinks.

Graduate Attributes

MIT is committed to ensure the course is current, practical and relevant so that graduates are “work ready” and equipped for life-long learning. In order to accomplish this, the MIT Graduate Attributes identify the required knowledge, skills and attributes that prepare students for the industry.
The level to which Graduate Attributes covered in this unit are as follows:

Ability to communicate Independent and Lifelong Learning Ethics Analytical and Problem Solving Cultural and Global Awareness Team work Specialist knowledge of a field of study


Levels of attainment Extent covered
The attribute is covered by theory and practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students always play an active role, e.g. workshops, lab submissions, assignments, demonstrations, tests, examinations.
The attribute is covered by theory or practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students mostly play an active role, e.g. discussions, reading, intepreting documents, tests, examinations.
The attribute is discussed in theory or practice; it is addressed by assessed activities in which the students may play an active role, e.g. lectures and discussions, reading, interpretation, workshops, presentations.
The attribute is presented as a side issue in theory or practice; it is not specifically assessed, but it is addressed by activities such as lectures or tutorials.
The attribute is not considered, there is no theory or practice or activities associated with this attribute.