BM203 - Project Management

Credit Points: 15 credit points

Workload: 36 hours

Prerequisite: BB103 Management Principles, BN110 Information Systems Fundamentals

Co-requisite: N/A

Aims & Objectives

This is a second year Core Unit in the Bachelor of Business in Management and offered as an elective unit in the Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Marketing. For Course Learning Outcomes and further information relating to Bachelor of Business programs please visit our website:

Project management may be regarded as a powerful tool in initiating, planning, performing, closing and terminating projects if necessary. In today’s era, project management is in demand due to the increasing numbers of contractual work available. Companies are choosing to outsource project implementations therefore learning to become an effective project manager has become an important management skill. Examples of projects may include research and development, change management, total quality management, installation of a new equipment, advertising campaigns, building construction work, managing special events, sponsorships, audit and risk management, professional consulting and other short-term projects.

This unit explores commercial and industrial projects with an emphasis on providing students with practical tools and techniques to manage successful projects. Students will also develop their interpersonal, team work and problem-solving skills.

Unit topics include:

  • Introduction to Project Management 
  • Project Initiation 
  • Research Skills delivered by the MIT Librarian
  • Developing Project Proposals; and The Project Team
  • Defining Scope, Quality, Responsibility, and Activity Sequence: WBS & Task Deliverables
  • Developing the Schedule 
  • Stakeholder management 
  • Managing Risk
  • Project procurement management 
  • Project organisation 
  • Project performance evaluation 
  • Project Closure, Audit and lessons learned

Learning Outcomes

The Course learning outcomes applicable to this unit are listed on the Melbourne Institute of Technology’s website:
At the completion of this unit students should be able to:
a. Compare and contrast key concepts and theoretical frameworks in project management.
b. Apply knowledge of the key stages in the development of successful projects.
c. Demonstrate skills in identifying and assessing risk, developing timelines, setting budgets, instituting controls in designing, developing and executing projects.
d. Develop collaborative learning and team skills fostered through the group assignments.


Assessment Task Due Date A B Unit Learning Outcomes
1. Formative Assessment:On-line Forum Week 3 5% - a
2. Contribution and Participation Weeks 1-12 - 10% a-d
3. Case Study[Individual] Week 5 - 15% a-b
4. Summative Assessment Project Report[Group] Week 9 20% - a-d
5. Summative Assessment Project Presentation[Group] Week 9/10 - 10% a-d
6. Major Final Case Study Analysis[3 hours] TBA - 40% a-c
TOTALS   25% 75% 100%

Task Type: Type A: unsupervised, Type B: supervised.

Contribution and Participation (5%)

This unit has class participation as an assessment. The assessment task and marking rubric will follow the Guidelines on Assessing Class Participation ( Further details will be provided in the assessment specification on the type of assessment tasks and the marking rubrics.

Teaching Methods

NOTE: All School of Business units 3-hour workshops Flipped Classroom Mode. 

Textbook and Reference Materials

Note: Students are required to purchase the prescribed text book and have it available each week in class.

Prescribed Text Book

  • Gido, J., Clements, J., Baker, R. (2018). Successful Project Management, 7th Edition, Boston: U.S.A, Cengage Learning.

Recommended Reading

  • Chatfield, C & Johnson, T (2016). Microsoft 2016: Step by Step, USA, Microsoft Press.

Other recommended references

  • Cadle, J., &Yates, D. (Eds). (2004). Project management for information systems (4th Ed.). Prentice-Hall, Essex, England.
  • Glen, P. (2003). Leading geeks – How to manage and lead the people who deliver technology. CA: Jossey-Bass San Francisco.
  • Gray, C., & Larson, E. (2006). Project management – The managerial process (3rd ed.), McGraw-Hill, N.Y.
  • Kapur Gopal. (2004). Project Management for information, technology, business and certification. Prentice Hall, N.J.
  • Kendrick, T (2012). Results Without Authority: Controlling a Project When the Team Doesn’t Report to You, 2nd Edition, New York, AMACOM.
  • Kloppenborg, T. (2016). Contemporary Project Management, (3rd ed.), South Melbourne, Cengage Learning.
  • Project Management Institute. (2009). Global Standard: Practice Standard for Project Risk Management, Pennysylvania: U.S.A, Project Management Institute Inc.
  • Schwalbe, K. (2006). Information technology project management (4th ed.), Mass.: Thomson/Course Technology, Cambridge.
  • Shenhar, Aaron, J., & Dvir, Dov, (2007), ‘Reinventing Project Management the Diamond Approach to Successful Growth and Innovation’, Harvard Business School Press, U.S.A.


  • Cerezo-Narvaez, A., Postor-Fernandez, A., Otero-Mateo, M., and Ballesteros-Perez, P. (2020). Integration of Cost and Work Breakdown Structures in the Management of Construction Projects, Applied Sciences,  School of Engineering, University of Cadiz, 11519 Puerto Real, Spain; (A.P.-F.); (M.O.-M.); (P.B.-P.); 10, 1386; doi:10.3390/app10041386.
  • Savolainen, P.,Ahonen, J.J., Richardson, I. (2012). Software development project success and failure from the supplier’s perspective: A systematic literature review, International Journal of Project Management, Vol:30, Issue:4, May, 458-469.
  • Wale-Kolade, A.Y (2015). Integrating usability work into a large inter-organisational agile development project: Tactics developed by usability designers, Journal of Systems and Software, ISSN: 0164-1212, Vol: 100, Page: 54-66.

The Referencing style for this unit is APA: See the MIT Library Referencing webpage: and the Unit Moodle page for additional referencing support material and weblinks.

Graduate Attributes

MIT is committed to ensure the course is current, practical and relevant so that graduates are “work ready” and equipped for life-long learning. In order to accomplish this, the MIT Graduate Attributes identify the required knowledge, skills and attributes that prepare students for the industry.
The level to which Graduate Attributes covered in this unit are as follows:

Ability to communicate Independent and Lifelong Learning Ethics Analytical and Problem Solving Cultural and Global Awareness Team work Specialist knowledge of a field of study


Levels of attainment Extent covered
The attribute is covered by theory and practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students always play an active role, e.g. workshops, lab submissions, assignments, demonstrations, tests, examinations.
The attribute is covered by theory or practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students mostly play an active role, e.g. discussions, reading, intepreting documents, tests, examinations.
The attribute is discussed in theory or practice; it is addressed by assessed activities in which the students may play an active role, e.g. lectures and discussions, reading, interpretation, workshops, presentations.
The attribute is presented as a side issue in theory or practice; it is not specifically assessed, but it is addressed by activities such as lectures or tutorials.
The attribute is not considered, there is no theory or practice or activities associated with this attribute.