MN604 - IT Security Management

Credit Points: 20 credit points

Workload: 60 hours

Prerequisite: MN502 Overview of Network Security

Co-requisite: N/A

Aims & Objectives

This is a third trimester core unit out of a total of 12 units in the Master of Networking (MNet). This unit addresses the MNet course learning outcomes and complement other courses in a related field by developing students’ specialised knowledge in network advance security and applying critical skills in networking security such as hacking skills, computer hardening and vulnerabilities. For further course information refer to: This unit is part of the AQF level 9 (MNet) course.

This unit provides students with understanding and appreciation of the discipline of IT Information Security Management. They will also learn how information security management interacts with other organisational groups, especially with general management and with information technology groups.

This unit will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to the management of information security
  2. Planning for information security
  3. Planning for contingencies
  4. Information Security Policy
  5. Developing the security program
  6. Security Management Practices
  7. Risk Management: identifying and assessing risk
  8. Risk Management: Assessing and controlling risk
  9. Protection Mechanisms

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Analyse and discuss the significance of IT security management for organisations;
  2. Develop and implement IT security management structure for small, medium and large size businesses and corporations;
  3. Evaluate on the security of the existing organisation architecture, data, application, technology, etc;
  4. Investigate and discuss for the appropriate design and secure solution for varieties of organisations;
  5. Implement a process to support the administration and the management of organisations’ security;
  6. Conduct practical investigations into Network Systems including industry procedures of Information Gathering, Vulnerability Identification, Exploitation and privilege escalation.


Assessment Task Unit Learning Outcomes Weighting
1. Mid Semester Test a,b* 10%
2. Assignment 1 Report a-c* 15%
3. Assignment 2 Report and PBL submissions d-f* 25%
4. Final Examination [2 hours] a-e* 50%
TOTALS   100%

*refer to learning outcomes above.

Teaching Method

Lecture: 2 hours
Laboratory: 2 hours
PBL Tutorial: 1 hours
Face to Face    

Textbook and Reference Materials


  • Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord, “Management of Information Security”, 4th  Edition: 9781285062297.
  • Michael E. Whitman, “Hands-on Information Security” Lab Manual 4th Edition. 9781285167572.
  • Alfred Basta, Nadine Basta and Mary Brown,  “Computer Security and Penetration” Testing  2nd edition 9780840020932.

Reference Reading

  • Michael E. Whitman, Herbert J. Mattord, “Readings and Cases in the Management of Information Securit”, Course Technology Cengage Learning.
  • Hands-on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Michael T. Simpson,  9781133935612/ 9781435486096 2nd international edition  (Need to check which edition is available in Australia).
  • Editor in Chief Hossein Bidgoli, Handbook of Information Security Volume 1, 2 and 3 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Graduate Attributes

MIT is committed to ensure the course is current, practical and relevant so that graduates are “work ready” and equipped for life-long learning. In order to accomplish this, the MIT Graduate Attributes identify the required knowledge, skills and attributes that prepare students for the industry.
The level to which Graduate Attributes covered in this unit are as follows:

Ability to communicate Independent and Lifelong Learning Ethics Analytical and Problem Solving Cultural and Global Awareness Team work Specialist knowledge of a field of study


Levels of attainment Extent covered
The attribute is covered by theory and practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students always play an active role, e.g. workshops, lab submissions, assignments, demonstrations, tests, examinations.
The attribute is covered by theory or practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students mostly play an active role, e.g. discussions, reading, intepreting documents, tests, examinations.
The attribute is discussed in theory or practice; it is addressed by assessed activities in which the students may play an active role, e.g. lectures and discussions, reading, interpretation, workshops, presentations.
The attribute is presented as a side issue in theory or practice; it is not specifically assessed, but it is addressed by activities such as lectures or tutorials.
The attribute is not considered, there is no theory or practice or activities associated with this attribute.