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MIT degrees are accredited by respected institutions

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MIT degrees are accredited by respected institutions

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Engineers Australia Logo
Australian Computer Society Logo
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Get the exact knowledge, skills and opportunities you need to succeed in a tech-driven career.

Practical learning

Learn by doing. We go beyond textbooks, so you get practical skills for the workplace.

City centre location

Centrally-located campuses make life easy with opportunities for work and fun nearby.

A foot in the door

Access to work experience and career advisors who support you to find work in the area of your choice.

Industry connections

Work-Integrated Learning: capstone projects, industry experience and simulations.


Get hands-on industry experience

Choose an Australian education that takes you one step further.
Our industry-focussed approach gives you the skills employers want. You’ll graduate with the knowledge and ability to succeed. Melbourne Institute of Technology is your passport to industry.

Find out more about our entry requirements

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It’s a caring environment where you’ll feel supported

Not lost in the crowd

Small class sizes give you direct contact with lecturers. Our staff knows you by name.

Personalised care

Counselling services are available for every student. You never know when you’ll need it.

A helping hand

Career support helps you find your dream job when you graduate.


Choose your course

We have a strong reputation in business, business analytics, cyber-security, networking, data analytics, software engineering and telecommunications engineering.

Get ahead of the pack with a specialised qualification. Browse our courses by subject area.


Hear what our students have to say about MIT


Choose a degree that gives you real industry experience

Hear how MIT helped Thomas find a career he loves.

A degree with MIT takes you one step further

Hear how MIT equipped Margarita with practical skills.


Choose a degree that gives you real industry experience

Hear how MIT helped Thomas find a career he loves.

A degree with MIT takes you one step further

Hear how MIT equipped Margarita with practical skills.


Need more info?

We’re here to help you decide. If your question(s) are still not answered, or you need to talk to a human, simply call or email us using the buttons below.