Industry Advisory Committee

The Industry Advisory Committee (IAC), a standing committee of the Academic Board, will provide advice and guidance to the Academic Board on current and future industry trends in the professional disciplines offered by MIT as courses of study. The Committee will also be a forum to generate consultative discussion and exchange of information to foster collaboration between academia and industry/business associates.

The function of the Industry Advisory Committee is to advise, inform and guide the Academic Board on:

  1. Industry trends and changes in fields of study relating to MIT’s course offerings;
  2. The expected standard of the qualities and skills of graduates in relevant fields of study;
  3. New or prospective advances in their fields of expertise; and
  4. Industry training and professional development opportunities for MIT’s students and graduates.

The membership of the Industry Advisory Committee will be appointed by the Academic Board on the recommendation from the Chair of the Committee from the following constituencies:

  1. Industry Advisory Committee members will be representative of industry employers and/or MIT Alumni that are engaged in MIT’s current/ prospective degree delivery areas.  Industry/Business Representatives must have extensive experience and expertise to be considered for membership.
  2. It is expected that members of the Committee will include the following as a minimum:
    • At least four persons external to MIT drawn from relevant industry organisations;
    • The Executive Dean, who will be the Chair of the Committee; and
    • The Heads of Schools

The Chair may approve and grant additional independent meeting attendance by an approved person for a specific meeting, or to speak to a specific Agenda item, as deemed appropriate, prior to the meeting taking place.

The Chair shall nominate a Representative Chairperson if they are unavailable to attend a specific meeting. 

Committee membership is for a term of 2 years with the possibility of a further 2-year appointment. It is expected that Members will attend and contribute to all meetings.  Members who are unable to attend meetings consistently may be asked to step down from the Committee.

Membership Name and Professional Role
Chair --
Executive Dean -
Head of School - Business Associate Professor Kristina Nicholls
Head of School - IT & Engineering Professor Johnson Agbinya
External member representing the profession/industry appropriate to the programs offered at MIT  
External member representing the profession/industry appropriate to the programs offered at MIT  
External member representing the profession/industry appropriate to the programs offered at MIT  
External member representing the profession/industry appropriate to the programs offered at MIT  

The quorum for meetings will be at least one-half of the Committee’s total membership.

The Industry Advisory Committee will meet twice per year, with the availability to attend additional seminars or forums as requested.

Agenda papers will be prepared and forwarded to the Committee one week before a scheduled meeting.

All members of the Committee shall abide by any policies and procedures related to the governance of MIT.

Meetings may be held face-to-face or online.