Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors. Policies and attendant procedures and guidelines provide a framework for the organisation, management and good governance of the Institute. The formation of a Policy Committee will ensure that the Institute’s policies, procedures and guidelines are necessary, current, relevant and useful.

The Policy Committee will provide oversight and review of MIT’s policies, procedures and guidelines and consider and make recommendations on relevant policies, procedures and guidelines to the Board of Directors or to relevant bodies with delegated authority from the Board of Directors.

  1. To advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on the appropriate structure and  framework of the Institute’s policies, procedures and guidelines consistent with the Institute’s Governance Charter and Strategic Plan.
  2. To regularly review the Institute’s current suite of policies, procedures and guidelines and to put revised documents or recommend revocation of documents to the Board of Directors or to relevant bodies with delegated authority to do so.
  3. To formulate new policies, procedures and guidelines as the need arises.
  4. To ensure that a record is kept of the Institute’s policies, procedures and guidelines, their review dates and the effectiveness of their implementation.
  5. To regularly review policies, procedures and guidelines from other institutions in the higher education sector and to report to the Board of Directors on significant changes within the sector.

The Board will appoint the Chair of the Committee, who may or may not be a Board member.

The current membership of the Policy Committee are as follows:

Membership Independent Name and Professional Role
Chair No Ms Jamuna Ghale-Gurung
Managing Director MIT No Ms Jamuna Ghale-Gurung
Chair of Academic Board Yes Emeritus Professor Doug Grant
Group General Manager No Mr Austin Kijagulu
Executive Dean No -
One or more external members with relevant experience co-opted by the CEO Yes Dr. Rowena Coutts

The Committee may invite such other persons to its meetings, as it deems appropriate.

Times: Thursday at 2:30 pm 
Student Participation: No
Venue: Level 6 Boardroom
Administration/Secretary: Group General Manager
Chair: Ms Jamuna Gurung

Dates Time Venue
08/02/2024 Thursday 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Level 6 Boardroom
13/04/2024 - If required Thursday 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Level 6 Boardroom
06/06/2024  Thursday 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Level 6 Boardroom
05/09/2024 Thursday 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Level 6 Boardroom
31/10/2024 Thursday 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Level 6 Boardroom